The Mouse with a Mouth

Le Mulot menteur (A hazudós egér)

A film by Andrea Kiss

Belgium, France, Hungary, Norway - 2008
19 min. 25 sec. - 35 mm - 1 :1.85 - color
cutouts, paintings, computer

Deep in the woods at dusk, the animals gather in the wild boar’s pub to listen to the stories of the Mouse. The Mouse, at first glance a small and insignificant character, is indeed the most famous animal in the woods. A storyteller borrowing from myth and reality, he reveals to each animal that crosses his way hidden aspects of their personality.
That night, the way back home through the darkness of the woods will take much longer than expected…

Script: Ervin Lázár, Andrea Kiss – after the tale of Ervin Lázár
Dialogues: Jean-Philippe Salvadori
Story-board: Andrea Kiss, Jean-Philippe Salvadori
Image: Andrea Kiss
Backgrounds: Zsuzsanna Tóth, Gizella Neuberger, Andrea Kiss
Animation: Juliette Bigoteau, Vincent Bierrewarts, Andrea Kiss
Music: Magnar Åm
Sound effects: Xavier Drouault
Sound design and editing: Valérie Capoen
Mixing: Nils Fauth
Compositing and special effects: Nicolas Davoust
Editing: Anne Gigleux

Thierry de Coster (The Mouse - Le Mulot), Edwige Baily (Mrs. Mouse - Mme Mulot), Benoît Van Dorslaer (The Fox - Le Renard), Philippe Verleysen (The Wolf - Le Loup), Jean-Michel Balthazar (The Ram - Le Bélier)

Ambiances… asbl – Thierry Zamparutti (Belgium), Les Médias associés – Studio Elsanime – Sébastien Vincent (France), Kecskemétfilm Ltd. - Ferenc Mikulás (Hungary)
In association with: Révélations Hongroises (France), Tout est possible asbl (Belgium)

With the support of:
Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles, Les Télédistributeurs wallons, Région Alsace, Communauté urbaine de Strasbourg, Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary (Magyar Mozgókép Közalapítvány), Hungarian National Culture Foundation (Nemzeti Kulturális Alapprogram), Norwegian Composers Fund (Det Norske Komponistfond)

Distribution in France: L’Agence du court-métrage (French Short Film Agency)

Credits (pdf) + photos.