This web site is dedicated to The Mouse with a Mouth (in French: Le Mulot menteur - in Hungarian: A Hazudós egér) a 20-minute cut-outs animation film by the Hungarian director Andrea Kiss. The film is based on the story written by the Hungarian author Ervin Lázár.
The film is a co-production between Belgium (Ambiances… asbl), France (Les Médias associés - Studio Elsanime) and Hungary (Kecskemétfilm Ltd.), in association with Révélations hongroises (France) and Tout est possible asbl (Belgium).
Although the film received funding from public organisations in the three countries (cf. credits) in addition to funding from the Norwegian Composers Fund (Det Norske Komponistfond) for the composition and recording of the music, it is still a low-budget film.
Thankfully, we had a resourceful team with a great spirit of devotion which were necessary to cope with the lack of means during the shooting (20 minutes in stop motion is already something!)
We would like to thank all those who, with their help and support (advice, encouragements, lending of equipments and shooting places), enabled the creation of the film.
The film is distributed (in France, Belgium, Luxembourg…) by Les Films du préau and will be released in France in the movie theaters from the 9th of February of 2011.
You will find on this web site practical information about the film (credits and résumés in several languages), news, opinions, comments, articles and links around The Mouse with the Mouth, some extracts (only one at the moment) and in the near future, an online shop.
Enjoy your visit! |
First Prize of the Young Audience’s Jury at 8th Rencontres internationales du Cinéma d’animation de Wissembourg (RICA), France, November 2010
Special Mention for the professional category at Festival Internacional de Animación - Chile (FIDA), Valparaiso, Santiago del Chile, September 2010
Special Distinction for the best TV Films TV series, TV special at the 14th Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (SICAF), Seoul, South Korea, July 2010
First Prize at 12th edition of Animation Film Festival of Dervio, Italy, July 2010
Audience award at the 20th edition of Ciné-Junior International Film Festival for young people, Val-de-Marne, île-de-France, France, February 2010
Audience award and Special Distinction of the jury of Minorities Television Festival of Lakitelek, Hungary (A kistérségi és kisközösségi televíziók Szemléje), November 2009
Special distinction of the 6th China International Animation and Digital Arts Festival (CICDAF 2009), Changzhou, China, October-November 2009
Special distinction “The Smart Solutions of Serious Problems” of the 7th International Animation Film Festival Tindirindis, Vilnius, Lithuania, October 2009
Best Short Film Awards at the 32nd Lucas International Children’s Film Festival, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, September 2009
Audience award of the 7th edition of Sancy film festival for young people - Plein la Bobine, La Bourboule, France, June 2009
Special mention of the jury at the Mediterranean Festival of New Filmmakers, Larissa, Greece, April 2009
Special mention of the jury at at the Tricky Women Film Festival, Vienna, Austria, February 2009 |