Prince Loseno

a film by Jean-Michel Kibushi Ndjate Wooto

Belgium, DR Congo, 2004, 26 min., color
puppet animation
Script:Jean-Michel Kibushi Ndjate Wooto
Animation:Adeline Bech, Andrea Kiss
Image:Frédéric Noirhomme
Music:Aline Bosuma, Henriette Konga, Lopongo Wembi, Léonard Mukadi Mulamba
Editing:Sébastien Andres, Marie-Hélène Mora
Production:Studio Malembe Maa asbl

A distant kingdom in the heart of Africa. King Muakana Kasongo Ka Ngolo is looking for an heir to the throne. But during the coronation party, his son, young Prince Loseno, attends the brutal death of his father. Birth and death are twins in the fate of men. As it is said « Fall the banana tree, grow the bud! »

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