Bla Bla

Trailer of the 5th Wissembourg Animation Film Festival (RICA)

A film by Andrea Kiss and Jean-Philippe Salvadori

2003, 1 min. 10 sec., 35 mm, color
Idea & storyboard: Andrea Kiss, Jean-Philippe Salvadori
Backgrounds: Andrea Kiss
Props: Jean-Philippe Salvadori, Andrea Kiss, Zsuzsanna Szabó
Modelage : Andrea Kiss, Zsuzsanna Szabó, Jean-Philippe Salvadori
Image: Árpád Lossonczy, Andrea Kiss
Animation: Andrea Kiss
Sound: René Bastian, ensemble vocal « Vocal’ son »
Music: René Bastian
Editing: Ágnes Völler
Production: Ciné-Club de Wissembourg, Studio Ex-ist
Production Manager: Magdolna Jehoda

Three little creatures appear in a small and sleepy town. They wake up the people in a magic way and drive them to a film screening.

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